Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Busy Times :)

Well once again it's been a very busy last couple of weeks. I am paintbrush deep in a number of projects including Tau, Napoleonics, Spartans, FOW, Dark Elves, Deamons etc etc etc phew!! Lots of fun though!!

The pictures below are of an extensive and exciting collaborative project undertaken by great mate and painting buddy Glenn Lamprecht and myself. Glenn and I had a chat one day about making FOW objectives... probably the best modelling and painting opportunities for players and lovers of figures in 15mm.

So Glenn and I came up with the idea of a Eastern front blown out building with some Germans holding on while the Russians sneak around their flanks. Glenn built this magnificent building out of plastic, greenstuff etc and I had the joy of painting it. All up, this piece took about 20 hours but I think it is worth it :)

If you are interested, Glenn and I will be making this piece and other objectives in coming months... please note though they probably won't be as elaborate as this one but they will be mind blowing no the less.

Click on the pictures below to see larger views.