Sunday, July 13, 2008

Dwarfs... cute little fellas :)

I've pretty well finished this army for good mate and QLD WHF player Luke van Kyck. Luke had a hand in the finished product building the vast majority of the bases and putting the little suckers together. It's a great army to play with and a bugger to play against... i look forward to borrowing it off Luke to play in a tourny soon.
I'll add pictures of the various characters shortly when I get the camera out again.

On a side note the movment trays are all made by myself (hand carved) and are available for sale... just send me an email at

Monday, July 7, 2008


I've made sculptured movement trays for a few armies and have had a number of enquires about them lately so I've produced a few and have them for sale.

They are made from quality plastic styrene and are all hand carved. The worn stone is perfect for a range of different warhammer armies and bases.

Currently I have the following available but I can make other sizes to suit:

5 x 5 (20mm square bases) $15 each
5 x 5 (25mm square bases) $15 each
6 x 1 (25x50mm cavalry bases) $15 each
3 x 1 (40mm square bases) $11 each
5 x 2 (20mm square bases) $11 each

All trays come primed black ready to paint.

Email me at battleink@hotmail to order :) or check them out on ebay under my account battle_ink