Painting buddy Glenn and I have just finished this army for a mate and client Stan "sparticus" Vaneros in WA . It was a very interesting, exciting and time consuming project with a lot of converting and greenstuffing to create a Highelf army from a range of different miniatures and companies from around the globe.
Glenn is the master builder and made some wonderful atmospheric conversions from some very very diverse figure ranges.
I think it turned out wonderfully. The "jumping vignette" was inspired by 300 and was created to add a centrepiece/eye catcher for the three main infantry blocks.
The complete army includes a dragon converted from a 5th ed zombie dragon, mtd bsb and lord, bolt throwers and other mis items.
We kept to the classic scarlet of the spartiates but made it "brighter" in line with the movie 300 and for the eye catching quality on the table top.
The bases were sculptured and cast by Glenn and if anyone is interested in ordering/purchasing these fantastic bases then send me an email.
Click on the pictures for larger / better views.
Gav :)