Saturday, December 27, 2008

Long post :)

Well it has been a very long time since my last post so I'll try and update you all on a few of the happenings in my playing and painting of late.
Well the Australian/New Zealand tourney season culminates in the Irresistible Force Australasian Masters Tournament. It's in its 5th year and I am only one of 3 players to have played in all 5 masters along with friends Jeff "Tirrith" Galea and Lachlan MacWhirter. Just to make the masters is a wonderful win it is like climbing the highest peaks ;)
It was a fantastic event won by good friend and co-owner of Irresistible Force Andrew "guns" Galea.. you can read more about the Masters and the Oz rankings here:
You'll see me , after being number 1 for most of the year way, way, way, down the list heheheheh Oh well I can only do better next time around :) I had a blast though and hung out and played games and had a laugh with some of the best players and blokes in the OZ/NZ tourney scene. When it comes down to it tourneys are only as good as the blokes you play and I am fortunate to play in a vibrant tourney scene in Australia that is full on bonza mates.
This year I played in a remarkable 14 tourneys across 3 states in Australia winning 5 events and coming in the Top 10 in 12 of these 14. I'm keen to try and do the OZ Grand Slam next year... IE win the BIG 3...Dogcon, Convic and Orktoberfest. This year saw me win Dogcon, 2nd at Convic and 7th at Orkfest....close but no bannana...maybe 2009??? Who knows???? I definitely played below par towards the end of the year and my results showed this...perhaps the slide might continue and Dodgy Dave might overtake me on the rankings??? Doubt it though hahahahah
2009 sees Team Australia compete for the first time in the European Team Championships in Germany... and boy I just can't wait. What an honour to play in such a prestigious event... as it draws nearer I'll be posting reports and details of the teams preparations in the "Force Field" which is Irresistible Force's ezine... make sure you register on the website to get this free ezine chock block full of articles, information and special deals for customers of IF.
Anyway... its been a fantastic year for me as a player..I've had a ball and look forward to defending my Dogcon title on the Australia Day Long weekend in Sydney.
Slardy ;)

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